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Rosehill Methodist Primary Academy

Rosehill is a Primary Academy in Ashton. In December 2018 it became part of the Wesley Trust – an organisation committed to the ongoing involvement of Methodism within education.


Our minister is the school chaplain, Reverend Robert Balfour – in this role he leads collective worship once a week, supports the teaching of RE and offers pastoral support to staff, children and parents.

One of the members of the church serves as the Chair of Governors.



Volunteer Programme

Some people help out in the class situation, hearing children read or working with groups. Others help to run lunchtime groups such as quilling.


Rosehill has a penpal scheme where members of the congregation write regularly to a child. The letters can be full of news form home, memories of childhood etc. Those who write to one another build up quite a rapport and there are opportunities to meet up at school.


The volunteer programme is closely monitored by the safeguarding procedures of the school and the Methodist Church.


Working Together


The school choir visits the church to take part in the Community Café Praise Services at Easter and Christmas. Pupils visit the Community Day Centre once a term to chat with the guests there. Our church has been ‘twinned’ with Year 4 (8 and 9 year olds) and we receive invitations to visit school and build links with those classes. Some Circuit events, like holiday clubs, take place on school premises.



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