As we enter Holy Week, here is a rundown of Services and events. See the Events page of the website for more details.
Maundy Thursday 13th April
7:00 p.m. United Service at Waterloo Methodist Church
Good Friday 14th April
12:00 noon Midday Service in the Market Place, Mossley
1:00 p.m. Meet at Mossley Methodist Church with sandwiches for ‘A Journey with Jesus on Good Friday’ a walk around a local route with prayers and reflections
4:30 p.m. Tea at Mossley Methodist Church followed by:
6:00 p.m. A service for Good Friday at Mossley Methodist Church
Easter Sunday 16th April
6:00 a.m. Sunrise Service at the Cross, followed by breakfast at Mossley Methodist Church
11:00 a.m. Easter Communion Service